Renters Insurance
Why Renters?
Helps protect your personal belongings inside or outside your apartment from accidents such as, fire, theft, vandalism and more. Give us a call today to review what type of coverage makes sense for where you live and what you own
Personal Property Coverage.
Coverage for personal property anywhere in the world. Furniture, appliances that aren’t permanently attached to dwelling or other structures, clothing or books. Note: The limit of 10% of the coverage limit may apply when personal property is not on the residence premises.
Additional Living Expenses.
Reimbursement for reasonable additional living expenses to maintain the insureds’ normal standard of living if the residence premises becomes uninhabitable from the damage for a covered loss.
Liability and Guest Medical.
Covers legal expenses, medical bills and other damages if someone gets injured at your place and sues you. This coverage can help pay for reasonable and necessary medical expenses if someone on the insured premises with the insured’s permission is injured.
Do you have any jewelry or expensive property?
Scheduled Personal Properties is extended coverage for certain categories of high value personal property. This covers jewelry, furs, cameras, musical instruments, fine arts, golfers’ equipment or any sort of expensive collections.